Saturday, August 6, 2011

What is better than one cake? Two!

So I'm really behind on my postings but hopefully one day soon I'll catch up!

It was Alo's birthday July 18th and we had a couple friends over to celebrate (yes we have found a few!).  I was in a mad panic at the grocery store looking for ingredients to bake a cake or some kind of yummy dessert. As you all know I'm not a fan of cooking - but love to bake and make anything sweet since I have a sugar addiction! The other minor detail is the fact we don't have an oven - well a real oven. I wasn't so sure how the tiny toaster oven would perform for this special occasion. Long story short - Ranch Market saved the day and I bought their Tiramisu instead. Phew. They even offered to write Happy Bday Alo on the cake - wasn't sure how it would turn out on Tiramisu but I was impressed!

Ranch Market is awesome and makes me feel slightly at home while grocery shopping! Except for their prices! Woo everything is so high - but regardless I love it :)

So when our friends came over for dinner for Alo's bday, they brought some beers and something for Alo...can you guess what it was?

It was pretty funny! We all laughed wondering what the lady at the bakery must have thought when they had two requests in the same day for an ALO. ha We had a nice dinner and Alo had a good time. The next night I took him to Lara Djonggrang, a local traditional indonesian restaurant to celebrate. We tried lots of Indonesian food and I really loved the atmosphere of the restaurant.  So all and all it was a successful first birthday in Indonesia!

1 comment:

  1. I must have missed a couple of these blogs... LMAO over here! Those cakes look DELICIOUS. You've just inspired me to go do some baking. Happy belated to Alo.
