Monday, February 27, 2012

Creambaths - Aaaamazing!

When I first moved here back in June all of my co-workers kept telling me I had to get a "Creambath". Well initially you probably are thinking something where you bathe in a bathtub. No. It's strictyly just for your hair, however it also involves a massage that is to die for!  I finally tried one a month or two ago and it was so amazing I debated asking the little guy who did it to marry me :) It cost about $13 dollars at the salon I went to in the mall(this didn't include the cost for a blow dry so that is an additional $8). Some are cheaper and some are more expensive. It all depends on what type of product they are using and the salon. 

Hair is first washed then towel-dried in preparation for the cream application.  The cream is applied over your entire hair and scalp with a gentle head massage. This is followed by either wrapping your head with a warm towel or placing the top of your head in a steamer for 15-minutes, all to encourage blood circulation while opening hair roots to absorb the wonderful properties of the applied cream. During this time, your neck, shoulders and upper arms are treated to a tension releasing and stress reducing massage (the BEST one i've got yet!).

Finally, the cream is removed from your hair with a shampoo and rinse.  When they wash your hair it's so different from in the states. I feel like it takes them double the time because they are so particular and concentrate on it being the perfect wash.  The entire treatment leaves you with lustrous hair (ok truth be told I wouldn't go this far but read it online!) and when done on a regular basis, helps soften hair. Many local males even swear by hair cream baths as a method for preventing hair loss (maybe I need to bring it to America since men seem to have that problem alot! ha). 

One of the many low cost pampering methods in Indonesia! Alo's choice of relaxing is reflexology - and now has got me addicted! I found a favorite place across from my office that costs approx $11 for one hour...including a neck/shoulder massage as well. When I have no lunch plans and work isn't too crazy -  relexology it is! :)

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