Monday, September 30, 2013

Beers, Brats & Wiener Schnitzels!

It's the most wonderful time of year again - the holidays!! Are you slightly confused by that statement? Well let me explain. I consider fall to start in September, also meaning the holidays kick off. It's a lovely constant stream of holiday after holiday with tons of decor and celebrations. Sadly, this is my 3rd year without the true holidays and wonderful crisp fall weather that is currently happening in many areas back home however last year I did get a slice of the word - Oktoberfest!!

One of my best friends from our wee young years, Maggie, came to Europe to meet me for a fast track, crazy intense itinerary, amazingly wild European trip! It was just a complete.and.utter.blast. I will always treasure that trip because it's not everyday you can find someone to travel with and experience so many wonderful new things together - especially in our 'cough cough' old age. Life is just busy for everyone and so I was SO happy when we made this happen! (thanks Alo & Neil!)

Oktoberfest is in Munich, Germany lasting 16 days, from late September to the first weekend in October. I'm still confused why it's not all in October, hints the name Oktoberfest, but I suppose they must have some good reason. Like I mentioned before, we basically wanted to cram everything and anything possible in to our European gallivant so we didn't have too much time in Munich. So we may not have seen all the lovely sites Munich offers, however we certainly experienced Oktoberfest to the fullest! The only thing we probably skipped on were those darn cute German beer wench outfits sold everywhere but they were quite a pretty penny and Maggie and I felt just as happy in our own attire and warm coats.

This Beer Carousel was my favorite!

And the guys wear the cutest outfits! 

From the huge beer gardens, food, rides, games and fun people - this was literally an adults playground! Children also attend but lets face it - the adults really have the fun here. And can't forget, the live music! It's great and very fun in the tents/beer gardens. Maggie and I somehow managed to get right up on stage and make friends with the band - definitely one of the highlights for sure!

I wish I would have gotten a picture of the beer ladies carrying 10 of these mugs through the massive crowd of people! Serious talent!

So if you are adding things to your buck list - certainly put this on it! You won't be disappointed!

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