Saturday, July 2, 2011

Move over Michael Phelps

I'm really happy with the apartment Alo found for us to live in while we are here in Jakarta.  It's called The Peak and I would highly recommend it to anyone.  I feel very safe here and there is lots of security which is always a plus.  The greatest part of all the POOL!  Those of you that live in DC know, pools are few and far between. Either you are very lucky and live in a fancy building that has a rooftop pool or you sneak into a pool your friends are members at (Thanks Julia!).

This morning I went down to the pool and swam a mile. I know my mom must be proud - she is a pro at swimming the mile!  It was so relaxing and there was only one other person in the pool for the majority of the time.  For living in such a large building it's crazy to Alo and I how few people we see out and about at the pool.  It's an olympic size pool so it seems like you are never going to make it to the other end sometimes.  Too bad I don't still have a Tinkerview Tarpons swim cap from the old days.  Maggie - maybe you could mail me your old one? haha.

Hope everyone at home is staying by a pool or some body of water this weekend! I hear it's going to be a hot one!


  1. Woowee!! That is gorgeous Carrie!! I could get use to that place too ;) I'm so glad to hear that youre loving it there! And good work swimming the mile- I would need the swimcap, some flippers and some type of kickboard to finish that myself! Lol.
